Who is Ashgrove Calisthenics Club?
Ashgrove Calisthenics Club is a non-profit organisation registered under Calisthenics Victoria and is based in Ashburton, Victoria. We are a member based organisation, governed by a voluntary Committee who oversee the direction of our Club.
The Committee is elected at the Annual General Meeting, and includes: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Wardrobe Co-Ordinator, Website/Social Media Co-Ordinator, Uniform Co-Ordinator, Advertising Co-Ordinator, Accommodation Co-Ordinator, CV Delegates, Class Representatives, Coaches & Assistant Coaches, Cadets and General Committee members who meet monthly and make decisions relating to the future direction of our Club - please refer to the Club Newsletters/Notices and Club Website for committee meeting dates & times.
Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held in March of each year in which all financial members of the Club have the right to vote. The date of the AGM is published in the first Club correspondence. A financial member of the Club is any fee paying participant, over the age of 18, or parent/guardian.
The Executive Committee and Principal Coach are responsible for the employment of the Coaches and Coaches Assistants. They control and manage the business and affairs of the Club.
Ashgrove Calisthenics Committee Members
Elected as of March 2023*
ALL positions within the Club except the coaches and assistant coaches will be up for re-election in March 2024 at the Club’s next Annual General Meeting.
President: Jo Coombes
Vice President: Sharon Wilks
Secretary: Sheryn Reiche
Treasurer: Phil Hayes
Principal Coach: Narelle Gioutsos
Maree Radnell
Anne Simpson
Kathryn Gower
Jacqui Harrison
Lauren Radnell
Tinies: Joanne Erenstorm
Sub Juniors: Maree Cameron
Juniors: Melanie Lunt
Intermediates: Kathryn Gower
Seniors: Jo Coombes
Masters: Sheryn Reiche
Wardrobe Co-Ordinators: Maree Radnell & Anne Simpson
Uniform Co-Ordinator: Allison Hogan
Child Safety/Grievance Officer: Natasha Jeremic
CaliVic Delegates: Sheryn Reiche & Jo Coombes
Website/Social Media Co-Ordinators: Monique Reiche & Brianna Bowe
Social Media Assistant: Lauren Radnell
Fundraising/Events Co-Ordinators: Hannah Bolt & Beck Liebhart
Club Policies
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