Ashgrove Awards & Medals
Our Awards
Bev Gaudion Award
This award is a special award, dedicated to past Principal Coach and Club Founder Bev Gaudion. It is a Principal Coach Award given to a competitor within the club, who shares Bev’s passion for Calisthenics, a love for their club and a desire to be the best they can be at this sport. It is someone who dedicates their time not only to their own section and team but also to bettering the club as a whole.
The Club Award
This award is for a person who has given generously of their time with exceptional commitment and goes above and beyond the expectation to the club in a role, as a service or a voluntary capacity and doesn’t have to be a participant in the sport.
Robin Mckenzie Encouragement Award
The Award is dedicated to Robin Mckenzie who has helped out our Ashgrove Tinies for many years and is well respected by the club as a whole. The award is in recognition of a tinies member who has a very good attendance record and who has tried very hard throughout the year. It is an award to encourage the young girls to continue on in our great sport.
Team Coaches Awards
The Team Coaches Awards are awarded to one or sometimes two girls in each section from Subbies all the way up to Masters. The winners of these awards are chosen by the coaches based on class attendance, attitude in class and at competitions and their overall team spirit.
Team Most Improved Awards
The Team Most Improved Awards are awarded to one or sometimes two girls in each section from Tinies to Intermediates. The winners of these awards are chosen by the coaches based on not only improving their overall skill but other factors, such as attitude towards teammates and coaches.
Service Medals
These medals are given to girls who have shown their dedication and loyalty to the club for a minimum of 5 years. The girls receive a medal every 5 years they have been at the club. 5, 10, 15, 20 onwards.
Past Award Recipients
Bev Gaudion Award: Charlotte Lunt
Club Award: Narelle Gioutsos
Robin Mckenzie Award: Adaline L
Team Most Improved Awards:
Tinies: Rae Ler G
Subbies: Jasmine M
Juniors: Sierra S & Chiara M
Inters: Sherry Z
Seniors: Chloe T
Masters: Kathryn G
Team Coaches Awards:
Subbies: Sarang K
Juniors: Alana C
Inters: Emily T
Seniors: Lauren S
Masters: Natasha J
2023 Awards
Bev Gaudion Award: Sareena O’Shea
Club Award: Sheryn Reiche
Robin Mckenzie Award: Audrey C
Team Coaches Awards:
Subbies: Elaine H
Juniors: Emily T
Inters: Maree W
Seniors: Maddy C
Masters: Jo C
2021 Awards
2020 Awards
Due to the circumstances in 2020 with COVID-19 and restrictions we have chosen not to give out awards. We look forward to 2021 with a new cali season and talent from our amazing girls.
Here is an image taken of our club project which included all of our amazing members and coaches. We thank you for your continuous support, passion and loyalty to our club in the year of 2020.
Bev Gaudion Award: Ellie Gray
Club Award: Phil Hayes
Robin Mckenzie Award: Dharma R
Team Coaches Awards:
Subbies: Phillipa H
Juniors: Amelia D
Inters: Maddie B
Seniors: Grace E
Masters: Allison H
2018 Awards
Bev Gaudion Award: Monique Reiche
Club Award: Maree Radnell
Robin Mckenzie Award: Aria Z
Team Most Improved Awards:
Tinies: Audrey C
Subbies: Siena C
Inters: Jade K
Team Coaches Awards:
Subbies: Maddy R-J
Inters: Lea S
Seniors: Kate R
Masters: Bronwyn C & Beck L
2022 Awards
Bev Gaudion Award: Olivia Bridger
Club Award: Victoria Radnell
Robin Mckenzie Award: Ashley B
Team Coaches Awards:
Subbies: Sareena O
Juniors: Aya E
Inters: Christine R
Seniors: Victoria B
Masters: Fiona D
2016 Awards
Bev Gaudion Award: Millie Leaver
Club Award: Anne Simpson
Robin Mckenzie Award: Marley D-D & Elaine H
Team Coaches Awards:
Subbies: Danika R & Lacey E
Juniors: Leah S
Inters: Christine R
Seniors: Emma S
Masters: Sheryn R
2019 Awards
Bev Gaudion Award: Monique Reiche
Club Award: Julie Miller
Robin Mckenzie Award: Isabella P
Team Coaches Awards:
Subbies: Zimo L
Juniors: Rosie G
Inters: Alex G
Seniors: Melanie H & Emma S
Masters: Bec D-D